One Year Stronger

July 21, 2019

When I was little, I couldn't wait to be another year older. I counted down the days, weeks, and months, counted the number of times I still have to sleep until the long-awaited date. I can't say I'm not looking forward to my birthday, but there's some fear coming with it. Being older again? No thank you. But instead of looking at it as it is, I decided to thank myself for being stronger again. Why? because I am owning the value of my own story and putting it into the world so I can make the world a better place :)

I have to admit that sometimes I get influenced with social media and I feel like I should've already had my dream job and dream life, seen half of the world and have a multi-digit number on my bank account. But the fact that some people have this life doesn't mean that I need to do the same thing as they did in their life, or more so – that since I don't have such life doesn't mean that I failed. I didn't fail. I just took a different route of happiness.

I'm extremely grateful for every person in my life. I often don't realize how lucky I am to have such a wonderful family that supports me at every step – even my crazy ideas. That they care about me. That they love me. I thank for all of my friends. For the one I spend (almost) every day with, the one I know will never disappoint me, will always make me laugh or cry together and will talk about everything at two a.m. with me. Extremely happy that I have these circle of friends supporting one another and helping each other grow.

For my current, but especially my old schoolmates from high school, whom I may not see as often as I would like, but the more I appreciate the moments I spend with them; and they are a proof that when people want to, they can stay in touch even through hundreds of kilometers, busy schedules and different interests.

I thank for those I have had the opportunity to meet or get to know in my life; including girls I met through my social media or volunteering project, who inspire and motivate me day after day. I thank that I'm healthy, I can see, hear and walk, and I have no serious illness. That I can do something that I love and appreciate it. That I can study and go to school. And I thank for being able to fulfill my dreams.

I have many plans, many thoughts and ideas; and I know how I want to achieve them (or maybe still trying to figure it out). And I'm ready to walk boldly (in my sneakers!) for all the challenges that await me because I know they'll push me further. Let's fly with our beautiful wings till the end of this year!


Photo courtesy of @kaerusensei

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